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liquid lens studio

capturing the ocean’s magic, advocating for its future

we believe powerful imagery can inspire change

capturing the ocean’s beauty, advocating for its future

finning- removal of shark fins usually followed by discarding their still-living bodies back into the water. not being able to move, they cannot breathe and die after a long struggle.

bycatch- capture of an un-targeted species in fishing nets. these animals die entangled in the nets or are left to die on the boat deck.

how to help: check the sustainability of your seafood before you purchase and eat it. many restaurants are aware of this issue and track seafood origins. even though “sustainable” doesn’t always mean what it should, it’s a start.

how to help: don’t consume shark fin soup. aside from the brutality of it, dangerous levels of mercury have been found in most shark meat.

igniting a passion for its protection

Sharks kill, on average, 7 people a year. Humans kill, on average, 100 million of them

you may not be able to change the world…

plastic waste congests the ocean. it threatens the large and the small and has been found at its deepest depths. animals that inhabit its water become victims of it through ingestion and entanglements.

how to help: making small changes like reusable water bottles and utensils significantly reduces the amount of plastic that reaches its shores.

on average, when a plastic grocery bag is used, it’s used for 12 minutes. that same bag will take 20 years to decompose.

A striped marlin swims off the waters of Magdalena Bay, Mexico

over-fishing has detrimental effects on apex animals dwindling their food supply.

“catch and release” still causes undo stress to the animals. It’s been shown that most suffer life-threatening stress levels and injuries dying later as a result.

…but you can change the world for one animal.

A free diver can't swims in the company of 3 sleeping sperm whales

perspectives. imagine the beauty we’re missing with our head above the waves. a world that is well within reach, if we just put our head in the water.

shop prints

prints are available upon request. send a note via the link bvelow for size, price, and mounting options.